Choose booking mode that is most comfortable - Online booking, when the guest can directly book your accommodation in a single click, without waiting.
Or choose booking request - when you have 24 hours to answer the request of the guest, in turn this will have 24 hours to complete the payment of the reservation.
The guest booking to pay a% of total price (at your option from 10% to 30%) on account of ABRent.
The rest of the payment is made directly to the host upon arrival.
The day after arrival, ABRent will transfer to your bank-account the prepayment.
Our service is completely free and we do not charge for any of the two parties.
That is no charge for publishing your property or managing the service charge for guests. Your only expense as the owner would be the amount of the bank transfer, consisting of 0.9% of that amount.
If you as the owner like our work, you can thank as you like and pay by the principle «Pay what you like».